Saturday, December 1, 2012

Is Forum Writing Productive?

You either love forums or you hate them! They can be well run and moderated or they can just be rubbish. However they cannot be ignored as a good forum brings in traffic by the ton. So are you wasting your efforts by posting on them or not?

I love forums! Heck I love them so much I now even advise other people how to build and run them.

If you have a website and are struggling for traffic then posting regularly on a good forum can boost your sales and your traffic beyond belief and all for free. Even just posting ten times per day in a forum that is in the same niche as your own website can bring huge amounts of free traffic.

One of the prime reasons for this is the use of your "Signature" box - This enables you to put a keyword back linked phrase to your website, and best of all it is a one way back link, which is just the sort that Google currently loves! So the more you post on forums with your signature linking back to your site, then in effect the more one way back links you are building to your website.

One way back links are notoriously hard to get. Sure you can buy software that allows you to search for blogs related to your keywords and then post comments against them,but most blog owners now manually approve comments, so if you post a spam comment which is clearly just intended to gain nothing more than a back link, then it will be rejected for sure.

So yes forum writing is productive, not only does it build traffic but it builds one way back links as well.

By regularly writing on a popular forum you will become known as an expert on your subject by your peers, and should you decide to launch your own product then you will already have a list of potential buyers "Warmed up" and ready to sell to.

The other beauty of posting on a forum is that you can do it twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. It does not matter where about in the World you are.

If done well writing on forums can actually bring you enough business to give up the day job. Yes it is me that I am talking about. Around about eighteen months ago I threw in the towel on my day job and started to write full time. So yes I would say forum writing can be more than productive!

Reasons Why You Should Promote Your Online Business Through Forums   Earn 1K A Day In a Nutshell   Warrior Forum WSO Timing   The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Having A Forum On Your Website   How to Kick Start a Forum?   Forum Marketing: How to Use Forums to Build Your Online Business   

How to Make Money From Forums

Forums are places where people can get together and exchange information, ask for advice, or offer help to others about particular subjects. They are very useful for conducting research, making professional connections and for just learning in general. Here are some tips for anyone interested in how to make money from forums.

Cultivate Value and Respect

Anyone who runs a forum knows the importance of posting. By posting frequently and informatively, you gain reputation and rank. Often you will have to pay out of pocket for your site's maintenance at first, especially if you choose not to use standard per-click advertising methods for whatever reason, so cultivating a good reputation is very important in how to make money from forums. If people like you and follow you, they will help your site to climb in the page rankings and, eventually, bring in profits.

Be Creative

Sometimes it takes thinking "outside the box" to make money from forums. If your forum is about local soccer, solicit local sporting goods stores, pro or semi-pro leagues, etc., for sponsorships. Offer to write relevant content for other, more successful forums or sites, to gain entry to their forums and build your own reputation. Contact local businesses and offer to sell ad space to them. By cultivating multiple income streams, you will eventually generate enough money in small increments to not only fund the forum or site, but may even make a profit!

Get into the Directories

Rather than relying simply on SEO, getting your site's forum into a directory is another great method for how to make money from forums. Directories like Dmoz and others are clearinghouses for subject-specific forums, and are a very popular way for people to search for forums about the things that interest them. Some of these directories exclude those forums that are ad-heavy or known for spam, so look into them individually. Try to find directories that specialize in your particular area of interest to ensure targeted traffic.

Get Affiliated

By partnering with other sites or by joining an affiliate network you can substantially increase the possibility of making money from your forum. Product promotion should be relevant to your forum's content, and always make sure that the network or other sites that you partner up with are reputable. Essentially, you are allowing them to advertise on your pages, and vice-versa, with the ultimate goal of more click-through to purchases-and profit. This is how to make money from forums without a lot of work on your part.

Create Paid Advertisement Sections

Many of the top forums are currently turning over hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, simply through paid advertisement sections. This can include employment opportunities, products or services available, classified listings and more. This really only works well when you have a lot of members who know they will get value for money by advertising.

You can quickly see how to make money from forums, with the multiple venues that are available. More traffic brings more opportunities for earnings, whether it is via per-click ads, sponsorships, affiliate programs or other revenue streams.

Reasons Why You Should Promote Your Online Business Through Forums   Earn 1K A Day In a Nutshell   Warrior Forum WSO Timing   Who Wants to Make $100 a Day Online? How to Use Forum Posting to Make Money Online   Forums Are Great Websites For Sharing Ideas, Opinions, and Information About Specific Subjects   

Conversing in the Usenet Talk Hierarchy

If you're accustomed to chatting on Internet forums, you may want to consider what Usenet has to offer. Internet forums are very popular but, in many regards, they tend to be harder to find, more narrow in terms of subject matter and far less competently moderated than many Usenet newsgroups. Usenet has several different hierarchies under which the various newsgroups are classified. Talk is one of the most popular and one of the 8 hierarchies that most servers offer their subscribers. This category has a huge number of newsgroups within it.

Usenet requires that you use a newsreader to read and post. This is a special piece of software that is oftentimes free. The interface is text, but the posts can carry attachments. This format is not at all distracting and, because the newsreader is required, it tends to appeal to people who are willing to put the time in to learn a new networking technology so that they can enjoy a higher quality of conversation. Usenet has been around since the 70s, and there are quite a few very qualified people who make use of this service to have conversations.

In the talk newsgroups, you're very likely to meet a lot of experts in the subjects being discussed. Usenet has its roots in the academic world and has always drawn people from that world among its users. The hierarchies are also approved-in the cases of the Big 8-which means that there was adequate interest in the subject of the newsgroup to justify its existence. On the Internet, the posters tend to be quite random. Anyone with the time to make an account can post on an Internet forum. The talk forums on Usenet tend to draw a crowd that's far less random.

There are a huge number of categories on the talk hierarchy. Some of them include lively political debates and some of them are very laid-back chat. If you're on a server with a long retention period, you'll be able to go back through conversations that took place over a long time period. The newsgroups, unlike most forums, are actually good sources of information, in many regards, because the users of this service tend to be better-informed about what they're talking about. Also unlike forums, some newsgroups are very actively moderated and posts with bad information are oftentimes removed.

Reasons Why You Should Promote Your Online Business Through Forums   Earn 1K A Day In a Nutshell   Warrior Forum WSO Timing   How to Kick Start a Forum?   Are You Afraid to Spend the Money on a Membership Site?   Internet Uniting Expats and Immigrants Worldwide   

Creating A Forum

Do you have a great idea for a forum, but are not sure how to go about creating one. Well building a forum is easy in one way but very hard work to get up and running if you are not careful.

Now forums are great for building repeat traffic and with repeat traffic you should start earning some real money over a period of time. But many forums come and go, as the fact is that you may have the best idea in the World for one, you may hit upon the latest hot to have niche, and you may build a great looking site and have laser focussed forum topics, but then you get nobody signing up or posting and in the end you just give up.

Building the front end of your forum is the easy bit, no really it is, now "Creating a forum" is where the skill comes in.

Your forum needs a good look to it for sure, but it also needs to load fast, and be easy to navigate. You also need to make it as easy as possible for people to register, yet at the same time you need to make it hard for autospam bots to register. If you do not stop the autospam bots at the start, then you will spend most evenings and mornings just moderating spam and deleting fake users. In the end if unchecked this will make you feel like giving up, and many do, that is the reason why creating a good forum is such hard work.

Now if you have had the sense to get good anti-spam measures in place then the next thing you need to be concentrating on is getting posts and threads up on your forum. It is so simple, the more people post, the more people post! A circular argument but one that is so true.

Creating a good forum is very much down to the quality of the posts you have on it. If you have a load of junk on your forum then people simply will not sign up, so you need to keep your forum well moderated at all times.

Getting people to post when they join can also be an issue, with many forums seeing only one in ten people that sign up actually posting on the forum. Crazy but true. So in an ideal world you need a few friends to get your forum up and running, or use the services of a professional to help build your forum.

Reasons Why You Should Promote Your Online Business Through Forums   Earn 1K A Day In a Nutshell   Warrior Forum WSO Timing   How to Kick Start a Forum?   Internet Uniting Expats and Immigrants Worldwide   

Forum Boost

Have you just started a new forum, but are fed up that your board looks empty and that nobody is signing up to your forum even though it looks great and you have picked a great niche to run it in. If this sounds like you then it maybe that you need a forum boost.

So what is a forum boost or forum boosting as you may have heard it called?

Well forum boosting is whereby you pay someone to help get your message board off of the ground. You can spend as much or as little money as you like to do this. It really does have some great benefits: -

Your forum will rapidly be populated

It will look "Busy" as a result more people will join up

The more people post, the more people will join and post, it really is that simple

You will buy a guaranteed number of threads and posts.

It really will kick start your empty forum into life.

To start with you may think "Well I can just post myself under several different names" - Well that is true, but on average you will have to have posted well over a thousand times or more before your forum becomes self sufficient e.g. new people start joining and posting. This can take a lot of time, and if you are working full time budget on doing around fifty posts per evening.

Clearly it will take you some time to reach the number of posts I mentioned before you forum becomes self sufficient. On top of this you will need to budget for at least an hour a day to moderate the forum and keep it spam free.

Many people start out building up their own threads and post before realising the benefits of using a forum booster. With most companies you can take out a "Trial Boost" which you can use to test the water and check out the quality of the companies posting capabilities. Typically these packages offer a boost of two new threads and ten new posts. If you try one of these and they go well then you might consider a much large package of 100,200 or even 500 posts to really get your forum off to a flying start.

If you use Google AdSense on your forum, the long term revenue will far outweigh the cost of paying for a forum boosting service at the outset.

Reasons Why You Should Promote Your Online Business Through Forums   Earn 1K A Day In a Nutshell   Warrior Forum WSO Timing   How to Kick Start a Forum?   Internet Uniting Expats and Immigrants Worldwide   Forum Marketing: How to Use Forums to Build Your Online Business   

How To Find The Best Forums For Promoting Your Site

We all know how important posting & commenting on forums is to your presence online and the growth of your business - but I hear you ask 'which forums are worth the time?' and it's a good and very important question which I plan in some part to help answer today - so here we go...

Finding The RIGHT Ones

If you already understand the importance of using forums for back links, then you are probably wondering where you can find out more about which forums to join. In any given niche, there are far more out there than any one person can join. First of all, here is a website that can help you. Google as a starting point

At the Big Boards website, you can discover some of the most popular forums in your particular niche. When you first arrive at the website, you will see three major sections. The top part allows you to simply search. That is normally the easiest way to find what you're looking for. However, there is a directory underneath the search box. If you would rather browse, you might find some forums that you never knew existed. If that's not enough for you, the third section shows you some of the most popular forums on the Internet. You can sort the entire list by many different filters.

Relevancy Is Key Here

Let's suppose you have a website about pregnancy. You may see pregnancy in one of the categories. If you were to click on it, you would be taken to a list of the most popular forums. Next, click on the drop-down box that says, "Sort by..." Then, choose the option that says "members." You may need to look at other information about the forum before you choose to join it. In this example, the most popular forum is in China. You can pay attention to the flags to see which country they represent. However, the second example is in English. It has over 200,000 members. That would be a good place to start!

How To Check Forums For Quality

Also, you may want to click the drop-down box again. This time, select the option that says, "Alexa Ranking." Alexa is a company that ranks websites according to popularity. This is usually an indicator of how authoritative or trustworthy the website will be. It's also a good indicator of the quality of back links you'll enjoy. So go ahead and do that. Then, see which forums pop up. They may be different. The ones towards the top are usually your best choices.

By joining forums with both a high degree of members and a high Alexa ranking, the quality of back links will be better. Additionally, the information you exchange can help you. That's not to say that you should always choose forums with the most members. Some forums can have higher quality links because they are more selective about membership. You will need to take the time to visit the forum website and see it for yourself.

I mentioned Big Boards, but you can also just do a search in Google's "forum search." It doesn't give you the detailed forum statistics or anything else, but you can pretty much bet that the ones that come up at the top are the ones Google likes best.

Key Point Here. Join as many forums as you've got time to monitor. Get into a steady routine of spending a certain amount of time each day or making a set number of posts each week. Interact naturally, and you'll start to see traffic from your efforts.

Reasons Why You Should Promote Your Online Business Through Forums   Earn 1K A Day In a Nutshell   Warrior Forum WSO Timing   Internet Uniting Expats and Immigrants Worldwide   

Forum Moderation Tips

I broker judgments for a living, and one of the very many tasks a judgment broker does is to administrate an active free web based forum. However, I have a very long history of administering, moderating, or sub-administrating judgment - and several other topic-related forums, networks, and email and chat systems for decades.

Back in the days when I started, it was before the web. I ran (Bulletin Board System) BBS systems that used modems and regular phone lines. Besides the free judgment-related forum I currently administer, I currently help administrate and moderate about ten other web-based forums these days.

There is one strict definition of what an administrator does - the person that deals with maintaining hardware, issuing passwords and security policies, and upgrading the software. This is only one part of what is required to keep a forum useful and interesting.

The other part of a forum administration job is the social part, the human interface "guiding function" (known as the moderator). This moderation function can be done by the same person, or a different person, or a different person, or a group of people.

In this article, I would like share my opinions on the social aspects (moderation) of forum administration. There are many problems maintaining forums, which include spammers, hackers, rudeness, politics, lack of fairness, keeping discussions on topic, advertising, grammar and spelling, and monitoring verboseness. (This article would be less useful if it was 50,000 words, so I will aim for about 500 words.)

Sometimes moderators are selected because of their knowledge, sometimes because of their helpfulness, and sometimes because of nepotism. Nepotism has ruined more forums than any other moderator-related reason, because nepotism can cause permanent problems and resentment.

The best moderator cannot simply be smart or helpful or responsive or fair. The best moderators must have several of these qualities, and the time to do their job. As I see it, the job of a forum moderator is to:

1) Answer questions.

2) Help stop problems.

3) Encourage cooperation and learning.

4) Be open and tolerant of alternative ideas.

The worst things a moderator can do are:

1) Arbitrarily allow some members to do things that others cannot. (That is unfair.)

2) Delete postings, or ban members who simply politely disagree with any discussion. (Forums are designed for open discussion.)

3) Being lazy, or too busy to do their job. (Being a moderator is a responsibility.)

4) Be careful when editing other people's words. It is OK to correct spelling errors, or to move a discussion to a better topic location, but it's not right to put words into other people's mouths.

5) Keep your personal feelings and biases out of your job. I have heard about moderators calling newbies (those new to the forum), and telling them lies, or telling them not to post replies to certain other members they are envious of, or do not like.

Forums should help people and provide information. Products and services useful to most members should be allowed to be discussed. If there is no interest in any topic, the discussion will soon fade away.

As long as members are civil, polite, and obey the rules, all members should be able to post (write) whatever they wish without fear of hostility or retaliation.

I have met forum moderators that feel their users need to be protected if someone else writes something that is not exactly the way they like, so they feel they should deny opportunity and choice to all their members.

Forum moderators should think twice before deleting or censoring a message post. The rights of freedom of speech may not apply to private clubs or forums, however the best forums allow freedom of speech.

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Forum Moderator

Actually building a forum website is the easy bit, yes that is right installing the software is only around 5% of the work needed to get a good forum up and running.

Once you have uploaded the software you will then need to configure the colours and the general theme of the website, and upload you own logo. Whilst it can take a lot of time to do this and get it looking great, this is only the first step on your road to creating a good forum.

One of the first issues only new forum will have to deal with is spam, as forums attract every low life spammer there is out there. It does not matter what your forum topic is, they will spam it regardless. They do not care if they are putting up adult links on a forum for children.

So you will need to moderate your forum right from the start. You can choose to pre-approve members but it you do this you will limit the number of people that actually sign up in the first place. Just ensure that they have to confirm their email address, this alone will cut out eighty to ninety percent of the forum spam.

You should also set up your forum to ask the users registering a random question, and make it a word answer e.g do not put 'What is 2+5' as the question, make it something like 'What is the capital of America'. This should stamp out all automatically generated spam. Do not use the question with numbers in as some of the autospam bots have even been programmed to look for and answer such questions. Yes that really is how sad some of these people are.

You will also need to set aside at least an hour a day to moderate peoples comments in line with the rules you have set out in your forum.

Things to consider are to only allow links to other sites from peoples forum signatures. If people repeatedly put links in their posts then you should class this as spam and delete it. Repeated offenders should be banned and all of their posts deleted.

Eliminating the forum spam at the start will help you to run a good forum that people will want to join and keep coming back to, A poorly moderated forum just puts people off joining and coming back.

Reasons Why You Should Promote Your Online Business Through Forums   Earn 1K A Day In a Nutshell   Warrior Forum WSO Timing   How to Kick Start a Forum?   Internet Uniting Expats and Immigrants Worldwide   

How To Use Problem Solving On Forums To Build Your Home Based Business

People turn to the internet to answer question and solve problems. If you want to become an expert in any niche market you should be ready to be a problem solver. The old saying is "If you build a better mouse trap, the world will beat a path to your door." This saying could not be any truer than with the internet. How can you use this to grow your home based business online?

Problems or questions on the internet can range anywhere from "What is the best shampoo for my Tabby cat?" to "How do you figure the volume of a cube attached to a cylinder?" People will turn to the internet first to solve any problem. If you can become an expert in any niche people will look on the internet for you to solve the problem or answer the question. For almost any question or problem there is a Forum somewhere that talks about these topics 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Forums allow people to remain anonymous and ask question that they would be embarrassed to ask anyone else. A question is asked in a new thread and anyone can give feedback on this topic on this question. This gives you several opportunities to build your home based business.

The first opportunity is you can monitor the forums and see what the most common problems are. You can then search the internet looking for products that will help a majority of the most common issues that people are facing. Become an affiliate of that product or service and offer it on the forums as a solution. You do this by writing articles and free reports that establish you as an expert in this niche. After reading what you have to say invite them to visit your site for the solution.

You can also redefine the most common of the question and start a new question. Take notes on all of the solutions that are offered. Create a free report out of the answers that you got from your thread. Then offer a free report by signing up on your landing page. Offering value for their email address will encourage them to join your email list where you can continue to give them more advice and offer them products at a reasonable price.

People trust people on the internet who are considered experts. As you get involved in the forums be a problem solver and not a problem creator. Many time people will push their ideas too forceful and lose the trust of the forum members. If you are always in debates with the other members of the forum your trust will evaporate. Do not necessarily call someone out when you disagree with their solution but instead offer an alternative solution. If someone calls you out do not get into a debate just merely state that there are many alternatives to this question. If they persist continue to take the high road and you will win the debate.

May I wish you great experience and not great luck? Great experience determines the outcome of any luck that you may ever have.

For more advice on growing your home based business or for tips on finding a great online business check out the resource box below. Them join my blog.

Reasons Why You Should Promote Your Online Business Through Forums   Earn 1K A Day In a Nutshell   Warrior Forum WSO Timing   How to Kick Start a Forum?   

How To Boost A Forum

Okay so you may well have got your nice new forum fully installed and configured, you may have changed the theme to something that looks really good but now you have to get your forum some visitors and that is where life starts getting very hard. People may find your forum in a search engine but if it is looking pretty empty they will not stay around long or join. So how do you boost your forum?

Well the painfully expensive way to get traffic to your forum is via Google AdWords, and trust me it will be expensive, and if you have no threads or posts up when you start your campaign you will be lucky to get anyone signing up at all. You may as well stand there and light $20 bills.

Boosting your forum members is hard, and you may feel like giving up, however persistence is the key. It may take you six months to get one hundred members. My first forum did, but then within less than one month I had over six hundred members!

You really need the help of at least a dozen friends to help you give your forum a boost, and even then you will have to harass them to help as there is nothing in it for them. You could ask your friends on other forums to give you a hand and this is a free way to boost a forum, but they will also only be able to give you so much of their time to help you get going.

Your other alternative to Google AdWords would be to use Facebook ads which are cheaper are more target focussed, however in either case you will be faced with the same problem, in that even with the best looking forum in the world you will not get anyone signing up if it has no posts or no threads.

You may try and start them yourself, but this can become very time consuming if you are doing it in the evenings and at weekends. You will have to join as multiple people, and start and answer your own threads. This can be done but it is slow going and can take all the fun out of running a forum.

Your other solution would be to look at employing professional forum boosters, now you can find these individuals on internet forums and recruit them or you could consider using what I believe is the best solution which a proper forum boosting company, which can really super boost your forum to get it up and running.

Reasons Why You Should Promote Your Online Business Through Forums   Earn 1K A Day In a Nutshell   Warrior Forum WSO Timing   How to Kick Start a Forum?   

Participating In Home Based Business Forums

Forums in the internet are commonly known as a place or a site online where people virtually meet to discuss various topics. So what are home based business forums? Obviously, home based business forums are places where online businessmen meet to talk about home based business. In fact, anyone who wishes to know more about home based business can participate in these forums.

These forums can be helpful in a lot of ways for both starters and experts in the field of online business. In other words, participating in forums has numerous benefits than you could imagine.

First, participating in forums can help you introduce your website to other people without spending money for advertising. Forums allow you to have direct contact with other people whether they are fellow businessmen or potential clients, therefore, you are able to get the chance to introduce your site to them.

Second is in connection with the first. Because you are able to introduce your website to other people through forums, many people will know about it especially those who require whatever information, products or services you have on your site. With this, you are guaranteed to get a lot of traffic to your site in no time.

Third, back link building is possible when you participate in forums. Back links help you generate more traffic to your site. So, if you know how much back link building can benefit your site, you would certainly be convinced to participate in forums.

Fourth, you will be able to gather fresh ideas at forums. All businessmen have different strategies they use to make their home based business thrive. So, while you may have your own strategy, when you visit forums, you will also learn of unique and wonderful ideas for your home based business that you can apply to be successful. You can also share your ideas to other people to help starters thrive, because like them, you were once a starter too.

Finally, when you are active in forums, you lessen the risk of people thinking your website is a scam. One thing that hinders the flow of traffic to your site is because of the risk for clients to be scammed. Since clients don't want to be tricked by fraudulent sites, they don't easily trust websites especially those they don't know about. When you participate in forums, you build client's trust as well as the trust of other businessmen. This allows you to be known as a credible site and not as a bogus site.

Overall, when you participate in forums, you get advertising, back links, traffic, ideas, and credibility, all for free. You don't have to pay any fee just for your website to acquire these. You can even make and meet new friends through this. In other words, the most convenient, fun and economical way for your home based business to succeed is through home based business forums.

Reasons Why You Should Promote Your Online Business Through Forums   Earn 1K A Day In a Nutshell   Warrior Forum WSO Timing   How to Kick Start a Forum?   Internet Uniting Expats and Immigrants Worldwide   

Internet Marketing Forum Has Benefits

Have you ever thought while reading articles on the Internet that one day you might have a question you want answered? Articles are a great benefit to all that write them as well as readers of articles. People get to share their knowledge who write articles while helping people who read them gain more knowledge of their topic. But I'm sure there will come a time that you will think of a question you'd like answered.

In today's world the Internet is where most people go to find what their looking for, and the majority of this is information. There are massive amounts of beneficial knowledge to be gained from the internet, but unfortunately some wild inaccurate and misleading information has made it onto the internet as well.

When wanting to get those questions answered the place to go is an Internet marketing forum. They are simple to sign up for, and the great news is there...Free. If you have never joined a Forum it is a Web site or an area of the Web site. Once you've signed up you are now a member of that forum where you can post information and discuss what interests you. Forums are usually organized by topic.

In a forum there exists broad categories where individual members create the topic. Whoever starts first creates what is known as a 'thread' by making a statement or by asking a question. A member then will respond to that question, and another member will reply to the response, etc. This can actually go on for pages.

Here you can get valuable information, but like anything else people can be...unique at times. What I mean by this is where a reply from a member might be so far out in left field that it's basically a bunch of nonsense. At times, not too often though these left fielders have gotten belligerent and the referee has to take care of this behavior. Most forums are moderated, and this person basically referee's the forum to maintain site's policy and keeps members from abusing one another. Keeping subject matter on the topic.

Basically an Internet marketing forum is a forum devoted to marketing goods and services over the internet. You and other marketers could help to answer each others questions, which then helps both marketers in their business. Through your participation in the forum as an Internet marketer, marketing your product or service as well, you will find others looking for what you are marketing. So forum participation benefits all those who stay active by letting people know what you market, and also by making sales.

Another benefit to a Net forum is that they tend to be populated by regular members who over time grow together and create a sense of community. When marketing a product or service over the Internet there are times when some moral support will be just what you need. Even though marketing over the Internet involves reaching out to potential customers, and providing goods or services to existing customers, you can still feel isolated at times. So it's good to be around like-minded individuals where you can engage in shop talk.

Got a question about Internet marketing? Just starting out and have a lot to learn? Or maybe you have a lot of experience and would like to share? Join an Internet marketing forum. Not only can you do all that but you just might find that you enjoy being a part of a community with like-minded people.

Reasons Why You Should Promote Your Online Business Through Forums   Earn 1K A Day In a Nutshell   Warrior Forum WSO Timing   How to Kick Start a Forum?   Internet Uniting Expats and Immigrants Worldwide   

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